// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Tests for CGI (the child process perspective) package cgi import ( "bufio" "bytes" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "strings" "testing" ) func TestRequest(t *testing.T) { env := map[string]string{ "SERVER_PROTOCOL": "HTTP/1.1", "REQUEST_METHOD": "GET", "HTTP_HOST": "example.com", "HTTP_REFERER": "elsewhere", "HTTP_USER_AGENT": "goclient", "HTTP_FOO_BAR": "baz", "REQUEST_URI": "/path?a=b", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "123", "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/xml", "REMOTE_ADDR": "", "REMOTE_PORT": "54321", } req, err := RequestFromMap(env) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("RequestFromMap: %v", err) } if g, e := req.UserAgent(), "goclient"; e != g { t.Errorf("expected UserAgent %q; got %q", e, g) } if g, e := req.Method, "GET"; e != g { t.Errorf("expected Method %q; got %q", e, g) } if g, e := req.Header.Get("Content-Type"), "text/xml"; e != g { t.Errorf("expected Content-Type %q; got %q", e, g) } if g, e := req.ContentLength, int64(123); e != g { t.Errorf("expected ContentLength %d; got %d", e, g) } if g, e := req.Referer(), "elsewhere"; e != g { t.Errorf("expected Referer %q; got %q", e, g) } if req.Header == nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected nil Header") } if g, e := req.Header.Get("Foo-Bar"), "baz"; e != g { t.Errorf("expected Foo-Bar %q; got %q", e, g) } if g, e := req.URL.String(), "http://example.com/path?a=b"; e != g { t.Errorf("expected URL %q; got %q", e, g) } if g, e := req.FormValue("a"), "b"; e != g { t.Errorf("expected FormValue(a) %q; got %q", e, g) } if req.Trailer == nil { t.Errorf("unexpected nil Trailer") } if req.TLS != nil { t.Errorf("expected nil TLS") } if e, g := "", req.RemoteAddr; e != g { t.Errorf("RemoteAddr: got %q; want %q", g, e) } } func TestRequestWithTLS(t *testing.T) { env := map[string]string{ "SERVER_PROTOCOL": "HTTP/1.1", "REQUEST_METHOD": "GET", "HTTP_HOST": "example.com", "HTTP_REFERER": "elsewhere", "REQUEST_URI": "/path?a=b", "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/xml", "HTTPS": "1", "REMOTE_ADDR": "", } req, err := RequestFromMap(env) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("RequestFromMap: %v", err) } if g, e := req.URL.String(), "https://example.com/path?a=b"; e != g { t.Errorf("expected URL %q; got %q", e, g) } if req.TLS == nil { t.Errorf("expected non-nil TLS") } } func TestRequestWithoutHost(t *testing.T) { env := map[string]string{ "SERVER_PROTOCOL": "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP_HOST": "", "REQUEST_METHOD": "GET", "REQUEST_URI": "/path?a=b", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "123", } req, err := RequestFromMap(env) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("RequestFromMap: %v", err) } if req.URL == nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected nil URL") } if g, e := req.URL.String(), "/path?a=b"; e != g { t.Errorf("URL = %q; want %q", g, e) } } func TestRequestWithoutRequestURI(t *testing.T) { env := map[string]string{ "SERVER_PROTOCOL": "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP_HOST": "example.com", "REQUEST_METHOD": "GET", "SCRIPT_NAME": "/dir/scriptname", "PATH_INFO": "/p1/p2", "QUERY_STRING": "a=1&b=2", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "123", } req, err := RequestFromMap(env) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("RequestFromMap: %v", err) } if req.URL == nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected nil URL") } if g, e := req.URL.String(), "http://example.com/dir/scriptname/p1/p2?a=1&b=2"; e != g { t.Errorf("URL = %q; want %q", g, e) } } func TestRequestWithoutRemotePort(t *testing.T) { env := map[string]string{ "SERVER_PROTOCOL": "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP_HOST": "example.com", "REQUEST_METHOD": "GET", "REQUEST_URI": "/path?a=b", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "123", "REMOTE_ADDR": "", } req, err := RequestFromMap(env) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("RequestFromMap: %v", err) } if e, g := "", req.RemoteAddr; e != g { t.Errorf("RemoteAddr: got %q; want %q", g, e) } } func TestResponse(t *testing.T) { var tests = []struct { name string body string wantCT string }{ { name: "no body", wantCT: "text/plain; charset=utf-8", }, { name: "html", body: "test pageThis is a body", wantCT: "text/html; charset=utf-8", }, { name: "text", body: strings.Repeat("gopher", 86), wantCT: "text/plain; charset=utf-8", }, { name: "jpg", body: "\xFF\xD8\xFF" + strings.Repeat("B", 1024), wantCT: "image/jpeg", }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer resp := response{ req: httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil), header: http.Header{}, bufw: bufio.NewWriter(&buf), } n, err := resp.Write([]byte(tt.body)) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Write: unexpected %v", err) } if want := len(tt.body); n != want { t.Errorf("reported short Write: got %v want %v", n, want) } resp.writeCGIHeader(nil) resp.Flush() if got := resp.Header().Get("Content-Type"); got != tt.wantCT { t.Errorf("wrong content-type: got %q, want %q", got, tt.wantCT) } if !bytes.HasSuffix(buf.Bytes(), []byte(tt.body)) { t.Errorf("body was not correctly written") } }) } }